about the webmaster

Don't run away, it's only me...

Real life footage of mii

The blue planet citizen

a.k.a: Theo or M4YH3M(mayhem)other pseudonyms: lowkey or loki

ATTRIBUTES:chaotic, weird, sometimes crazy and a workaholic

I go by he/him, but they/them is fine too

Cool things about me

  1. My favorite color is actually yellow, not blue.
  2. My favorite drink is coffee, which i mostly consume with milk. I unfortunately have a caffeine addiction, and I must drink at least 1 caffeinated beverage a day.
  3. My special interests are: biology, entomology, human anatomy, music, oingo boingo(band), furbies, ballpoint pens, visual art, tetris, video games, cosplaying, arcade claw machines, and more...
    (I dream to become a mad scientist...!!!I'm currently attending university to major in biology!!!)
  4. Things I like to do: journaling, drawing, doing collages/scrapbook, deep diving/studying subjects i like, sleeping and having fun dreams, listening to music, working on my projects, browsing the internet, going on walks, playing videogames, coding HTML and writing CSS, organizing my collections.
  5. Objects I like: stuffed animals, pentel gel pens,notebooks, ballpoint pens, computer, mechanical keyboards, earbuds, crossbody bags, stickers, nintendo 3ds, washi tapes.
  6. Favorite animal: Felis catus

More blinkies!!!!(they hurt my eyes but they look so cool)

Contact me

My e-mail: livingtissuewarmflesh@gmail.com

Why Blue Planet?

The Blue Planet mascot has its origins on an old username I created with a random generator, which was "blue neptune". One day, I wanted to create a youtube channel to upload some of my creations(it's available here), and I paraphrased "blue neptune" into "a blue planet that isn't the earth". That's where i got the name from. As for the mascot,when I was in high school, I would often draw on my notebook instead of taking class notes (in fact, I only wrote down notes about subjects I found interesting), and I started sketching ideas for the imaginary planet that was not the earth. Note that it is not blue neptune anymore, but an unique planet called the Blue Planet (that is not the earth). As time passed the idea evolved, and it was a whole concept with a mascot and everything...now it is my digital home! To me, Blue Planet is a planet of imagination and creativity, and despite the chaotic nature of how things are organized in my brain, the blue color gives a calming atmosphere. It's a perfect reflection on how I do things, it's disordered, but it is still organized in some way. It's an organized mess.

What does the Blue Planet look like? Take a look...

Drawing depicting the Blue Planet's anatomy
Original sketches of the Blue Planet
Image made on the program Paint 3d, depicts the solar system and the Blue Planet
More sketches I made before starting the website. Originally, I was going to use blogger, but blogger really sucks.
This is the layout sketch I made for my neocities website. As you can see, originally the color pallette was going to be a little bit different. But as I wrote my CSS and tested it out, I figured a color scheme with dark blue looked better on the eyes.

All of those drawings were made by me, but not all of the drawings included on the website are.

The website's pixel art

Some of the amazing pixel artworks you see on this website were all made by my best friend cactos!!!Thanks for offering yourself to turn my notebook sketches into digital pixel artworks!(This is 100% NOT slave work, it was their choice, no cactos were harmed in the process of making this-)

Their pixel art skills are amazing, even though they think otherwise. I won't be able to link them because they don't really have a website like me, but I just wanted you to know that cactos exists (Or are they just a figment of my imagination? I really hope not!!)

*Update:Cactos allowed me to share one of their online profiles (not social media, but an online presence nonetheless). Click here to check their legendary Tetr.io profile

My website button

Would you like to link my website? Here, take my button!