22nd of february 2023

This post will be about current things in my life, since I feel like talking about it (and maybe some time in the future I can come back to this post and reminisce the past!)

Sooo....what am I doing right now? Not much, but pretty soon, I'll be going to college! Pretty impressive, right? Well, this year's plan was not to go after education, actually. In reality, I planned on taking a break to recover my mental health after the absolute torturous hell that finishing high school was. The thing is, I didn't expect to recover so quickly. I forgot how it truly is to be myself because school was suffocating me way too much...and now I could finally work on projects I wanted to make so badly (for example, making this website was one of those projects!!) But, if I wanted a break so badly, why did I decide to go to college? The short answer is: I'm a workaholic monster. I had recovered, I had my full energy back, and I just couldn't stop. When I'm dedicated to something, I'm extremely commited. My brain is a creative machine that won't stop developing on ideas, and yearning for me to work on them. I worked nonstop, and no matter if I worked all day I still had plenty of energy left when I went to sleep. I needed more, I wanted more. And so, my therapist suggested: "Why don't you enroll in college?"

Well, to explain things better, here's a little something about me: my dream is to become a scientist, more specifically a biologist. Why? Biology is a special interest of mine. I could elaborate more on it, but I think that topic demands a post of its own, and this post is not about biology only. And so I applied to the college university... and I passed! (tbh the test they provided was so easy, like actually easy, almost as if they were begging for people to enter their university cuz of how silly the questions were. no i'm not that was actually a mediocre test.)

So yeah, I'm going to study biology now! Yay!

Now, about the current media I'm hyperfixated in...

Recently I'm very hyperfixated onto the game ULTRAKILL, which my friends introduced it to me. Thing is, I'm an extremely unusual fan, because I cannot play the game at all. But I really love it, specially the art and the story! Playing the game is difficult for me due to motion sickness, since the game is so fast and has so many things happening in the screen all the time. Had to watch my friend make a walkthrough of this game while taking breaks, because otherwise I get very dizzy and I get migraines... I wish I wasn't so sensitive to rapid graphics, because the in-game effects are so cool! It's truly a masterpiece, in every aspect possible. The soundtrack, the character design, the different levels, the story, the atmosphere...I'm completely in love with it all. The developers are working really hard on it, and I cannot wait for the finished game!!!

And now about current projects:

Currently working on cosplaying plans and props that I really want to make. I was also thinking of making some kind of account (maybe on tumblr or deviant art?) to share my cosplays, but that's something I'll do later. The next thing I want to work on is crafting angel wings that can open and close. I already sketched out some blueprints, the next step is buying the materials and giving it a go... I already made wings before, twice, actually, and I'm not even close to being a professional. These wings are for my Angel Devil cosplay, which is already finished, but I'm making new wings because the first version is just too big, and since it is static, it is really hard to move around with them. Well, these new wings will be big too, but they will be foldable, so it's easier to deal with them. I spent hours studying the anatomy of a bird's wing so I can get things right, and I also did lots of research on other people who made other cosplay wings. Well, now that I finished doing all of the research and blueprint sketching, all that is left is the manual work. I hope to be able to accomplish this project with few lightweight materials, so it's not too heavy on my back, while at the same time capturing the elegance of an angel's wings.

I'm also working on my website from time to time, coding is so much fun. For my chaos book, I've been doing plenty of drawings, like some concept arts for the website, and also practice sketches (I'm trying to get back to drawing more often).

Also for some reason I'm back into listening vocaloid and UTAU songs I listened to back in like 2016???? Idk it is nostalgic and it brings me happy feelings!!

Well I think that's it for this blog post, goodbye!!!!